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Ceramic Veneers
Prosthodontist Rochester, NY

3D Rendering of teeth with a ceramic veneer at Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester in Rochester, NY.There are many options today for people who are looking for permanent solutions to certain cosmetic or aesthetic issues regarding their dental health. In particular, the appearance and visual aspect of our teeth, how white and straight they are, as well as what kind of shape they are in all play a role in determining how bright and vibrant or how dull and unappealing our smile looks. In a time where we have the most advanced and beneficial dentistry options available, there is no sense in continuing on any longer with a smile you are embarrassed to show others. At Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester, our team will be more than happy to help you determine if ceramic veneers are something that you might benefit from.

Deciding If They Are Right for You

Ceramic veneers, as well as any other kind, may or may not be the best course of action for you to take. It all depends on several other factors concerning your current oral condition. Veneers are cosmetic devices which are intended for people who otherwise have a general sense of good dental health and hygiene.

But even though a patient may have healthy teeth, it does not mean that they still might not have a need for such an appliance. No matter how diligent we are about visiting the dentist and practicing a consistent home care routine, the fact of the matter is that teeth just get dull and faded with the passage of time. Other reasons might include smoking, drinking coffee regularly, as well as a possible medical condition.

How Ceramic Veneers Are Made

The process of fabricating a custom set of ceramic veneers is not complicated. Once you come into our clinic, your experienced and skilled dental practitioner will make an imprint of the tooth or teeth which are going to receive the ceramic veneers. After that, a lab will create unique pieces which are designed to fit your existing tooth perfectly. Once they have arrived back at our office, you will then come in so the dentist can make sure that they fit properly and are the correct shade to match the rest of your teeth. If it all meets expectations, the next thing to come is that the doctor will remove a tiny amount of enamel from your tooth and bond the new porcelain veneer right onto the surface.

A Few of Their Benefits

There are countless benefits to having ceramic veneers placed in your mouth. First and foremost is the fact that they can once again give you the confidence and self-worth that having an unsightly smile has taken away from you. They are strong and durable, even as much as porcelain, but with much less preparation time and work required on your teeth prior to application. And since they can last up to ten and even fifteen years with proper care, this is not a procedure that you will have to worry about having redone anytime soon.

Ceramic veneers can do wonders for the appearance of your smile, as well as for the look and feel of your mouth. Your dental expert here at Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester can help you decide if they are right for you. To request an appointment, give us a call at (585) 673-7702 today!
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Monday - Thursday : 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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Ceramic Veneers - Prosthodontist Rochester, NY - Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester
Ceramic veneers can do wonders for the appearance of your smile, as well as for the look and feel of your mouth. Call our experts at Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester today!
Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester - Isaac Kuyunov, 900 Westfall Rd. Suite A, Rochester, NY 14618 • (585) 673-7702 • • 8/29/2024 • Related Phrases: dental implants Rochester NY •