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Prevent Damage to Teeth with Night Guards

Night Guards (Occlusal Guards)

What is a night guard?

During your treatment at Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester, NY, Dr. Kuyunov may recommend that you wear a custom-fitted night guard while you sleep. A night guard is a therapeutic plastic prosthesis that is worn on either your upper or lower teeth. The most common reason for wearing a night guard is to treat bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching). A night guard will help prevent the erosion of tooth enamel caused by grinding your teeth. It also may improve symptoms of temporomandibular joint disease.

Night guard on a plaster mold.

Dr. Kuyunov may also recommend that patients wear a night guard to protect their teeth at night if they have dental bridges, dental crowns, porcelain veneers, and dental implants, or to protect facial muscles and joints if there are signs of temporomandibular joint disorder. A night guard may also be recommended if there is a need to prevent teeth from natural movement, such as teeth moving into missing spaces. If you feel that a night guard may be right for you, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Process for Night Guard Fitting & Fabrication

Young woman holding a night guard in front of her mouth.

Step 1 – Consultation: Dr. Kuyunov will conduct a comprehensive examination of your oral health to learn if you would be a good candidate for a night guard.


Step 2 – Fabrication: The molds of the teeth and the unique bite are used to recreate your mouth in a dental lab setting and to create your custom made plastic night guard (occlusal guard).


Step 3 – Fitting: The occlusal guard is often ready after a few weeks. Dr. Kuyunov will ensure that your night guard fits perfectly and is comfortable to wear. If there are any small adjustments to be made, it will be done at this time.

Who is a good candidate for night guards?

​Night Guards (occlusal guards) can help improve symptoms of bruxism, and more. You may want to consider getting a custom-fit night guard if you are experiencing the following:


  • Soreness in your jaw or around the ear.

  • Difficulty opening your mouth wide or chewing.

  • A clicking sound when you open or close your mouth.

  • Headaches upon waking along with other symptoms listed here.

  • Your jaw seems to get stuck or locked in a position.

  • A sudden uncomfortable bite.

  • A chipped tooth not caused by an injury while awake.

  • Swelling in your face around your jaw area.

  • Your partner tells you that you are grinding your teeth while you sleep.

Woman holding her jaw after waking up in bed due to bruxism.

Benefits of Custom-Fit Night Guards

If you prevent teeth grinding, then you can prevent other kinds of issues that teeth grinding may cause. Some of the top benefits of wearing a night guard include:​


  • Symptom Relief: Night guards can relieve symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders, facial muscle pain, and related dental issues.

  • Protects Teeth: Night guards protect your teeth by keeping them safe and intact. Night guards also prevent enamel erosion and weakening of teeth, as well as erosion of ceramic material on crowns, veneers, and dental bridges.

  • Greater Comfort: Night guards are comfortable to wear because they are made to perfectly fit your mouth and teeth (as opposed to store-bought night guards, which can be uncomfortable).

Temporomandibular joint disorders can have serious consequences by weakening your teeth, which can cause breakage and erosion of the tooth enamel. It can also cause headaches, jaw pain, and facial pain. Dr. Kuyunov can help by fitting you with a custom-made night guard (occlusal guard). Call us today at 585-471-5689 to make an appointment! Or, click the link below to email us.

Dental Prosthodontics
of Rochester

900 Westfall Rd., Suite A
Rochester, NY 14618


Phone: 585-471-5689
Fax: 585-471-8435


Office Hours

It's What We Do

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. This website is intended to provide some insights into types of treatment we provide, their benefits, and offers generalized procedural steps for each treatment. Please remember that each patient comes with unique circumstances. A proper diagnosis and a correct treatment proposal can only be made after Dr. Kuyunov has completed an in-person examination. We hope to see you soon!

Monday – Thursday  8AM – 5PM

© Copyright 2024 Dental Prosthodontics of Rochester, NY

Branding and Website Design by Artistic Vision Marketing & Graphic Design

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